8 Signs That It’s Time to Look For a New Job

Cogs Agency
4 min readApr 20, 2021

You’ve invested time in a company, given it your best effort, but still, something doesn’t feel right. Being unhappy with your job from time to time is to be expected, but when those negative feelings start to outweigh the good, it may be time to look elsewhere. The difference between a mild annoyance and a red flag may not be so obvious at first glance. In this article, we’ll look at 8 signs that it’s time to look for a new job.

It’s Affecting Your Health

Work-related stress is an all too common occurrence. Occasionally feeling anxious due to imposing deadlines or demanding clients is to be expected, but what if the cause of your stress can’t be so easily defined? When your job causes you to frequently lose sleep or engage in unhealthy habits like smoking or drinking, it’s cause for concern.

Unfortunately, many of us are willing to write this off as a normal part of work life. Chronic stress; the kind that persists on a daily basis and can’t be attributed to any one factor, is indicative of a deeper, systemic problem at work. If every day leaves you feeling physically, emotionally, and mentally drained, it’s important to be honest with yourself. Remember, no job is worth putting your health at risk.

You’re Not Being Challenged Anymore

It may be a stretch to classify your job as “fun”, but at the very least, it should keep you mentally stimulated. If you find yourself regularly slipping into autopilot mode while at work, it’s likely that you’re not being challenged anymore. Being bored at work may sound preferable to being stressed all the time, but with nothing left to learn on the job, you are putting your professional development on hold. If you’ve talked to your boss to no avail, it’s a clear indicator that you’ve outgrown your role and should move on.

You Spend the Weekend Dreading Monday

Having a “case of the Mondays” at the beginning of the week isn’t uncommon by any means. Having that feeling start on Saturday morning, however, is. The weekend should be your time to unwind and relax, not dread the week to come. Sure, you may never feel excited for Monday to come around, but ideally, you should be working in a job that allows you to disconnect when you’re away.

You Spend More Time Procrastinating Than Working

Research has shown that taking short breaks throughout the workday can actually boost productivity. Like anything else though, moderation is key. If you spend more time scrolling through your social feeds than doing actual work, it most likely means your job no longer interests you. Not every career is filled with excitement, but at the very least, it should have something that engages you mentally.

Your Company Isn’t Investing In You

No one wants to feel like just another gear in a massive machine. When you work hard for a company and invest your time with them, they should likewise invest in you. Employee benefits like professional development courses or wellness programs go a long way to showing that your employer cares about you not only as a worker, but as an individual as well. If it feels like your work is being taken for granted, it could be time to consider other options.

You Find Yourself At Odds With the Company Culture

Companies these days are placing a great deal of emphasis on workplace culture. When you’re part of a team with similar styles, interests, attitudes, etc., things tend to work more easily. Unfortunately, this isn’t always going to be the case. If you’re having a hard time fitting in around the office to the point where you feel uncomfortable, you’ll never be at your best there. If working from home or affecting change in the overall culture isn’t an option, you should consider a move to a company whose culture is more inline with your own.

Work Negatively Dominates Your Conversations

Given how much time we spend at work during the week, your job is bound to come up in conversations with your friends and family. When it does, is the context generally more positive or negative? Everyone needs to vent from time to time, but if your unhappiness with your job is regularly spilling over into your relationships, it’s having too much of an impact on your life.

You Don’t See the Value In Your Work

Everyone wants to feel like what they do matters. In an ideal situation, you should have a clear vision of how your work contributes to your team, helps the company as a whole, and gives you a sense of purpose. If you lose sight of that, your job may feel hollow and pointless. When this happens, it’s a sign to re-evaluate your priorities and find where your passions lie. Remember, your job should be more than just a paycheck.

Ready to start looking for a new job? Get in touch with us today to learn how we can help.



Cogs Agency

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